Posts Tagged ‘ gopro help ’

Check the Black Clip of your Camera Case for Cracks!

Just a warning to my fellow GoPro Camera owners. I just noticed a nice crack in the black clip that holds the backdoor to the case.

Here’s a pic showing what I mean.

Just a warning because if this clip were to break, say bye bye to your HD camera!

Possible reasons this could have happened include not applying any pressure to the backdoor when clamping it down, opening and closing the clamp fatigued the plastic and it just decided to crack, cold weather exposure.

So here are some of my tips and suggestions to prevent this from happening to yours!

**These tips are purely from speculation and guessing. They have not been scientifically proven but are merely tips based on my judgement.  🙂

1. Apply pressure to the backdoor when clamping it down. Not putting any pressure on the door will put more stress on the black clip when clamping the door shut.

2. Avoid opening and closing the case in cold weather. Cold plastic is less forgiving than plastic at room temperature (for example) and more likely to crack in temperatures below freezing. I know I opened and closed it while I was snowboarding in 15-20 below zero degrees Celsius so maybe this contributed to the crack.

3. Be careful with your camera and try not to drop it! The case is there to protect it so always keep it in the case but it’s kind of like a helmet. One big impact and it’s done. Get a new one if you see a crack starting to develop because chances are it will break completely when you’re taking video and not when it’s sitting on the table. If you’re a procrastinator and plan on waiting until it cracks fully, be sure to wrap a rubber band or something around the case as a back-up.

4. When the camera is not in use, store it in a safe place and leave the case open. This way there is zero stress on the clamp when it is not being used and will prolong the life of it.

I’m going to order a new case now before something bad happens to my camera!

Post up if you’ve had any issues like this!